Getting to Know Game Changing Dads and Ray Matz, Jr
Ray Matz is a former professional roller hockey player, three time world champion, and an entrepreneur. However, the most important role he holds is that of husband and dad. Each week, Ray is here to help you remember how to stay motivated as a husband and father. His goal is to motivate and encourage husbands and fathers to lead, love, and live!
As for his Game Changing Dads program, Ray says, “Celebrating success is when you can look at what you’ve achieved that is special, bold and daring. With all of the craziness of our lives, sometimes we don’t see that success worth celebrating as easily as we should. Sometimes, it’s just like scoring a goal, you haven’t won the game yet, but you contributed to getting there.”
Ray Matz would love to hear from Game Changing Dads listeners, and he hopes you’ll address questions and comments in the space below.

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